An Experimental Study to Assess Effectiveness of Music Therapy on Level of Depression among IT Employees in Selected IT Companies of Ahmedabad City, Gujarat State


  • Aarshravi Sarvaiya


Beck’s depression inventory, depression, effectiveness, IT employees, music therapy


Background: The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of music therapy on the degree of depression experienced by IT workers in a subset of Ahmedabad, Gujarat state, IT organizations.

Materials and Methods: Pre-experimental research methodology and a single group pre- and post-test study design were employed. It was conducted with 40 IT workers who met the inclusion requirements. The sampling strategy employed was non-probability purposive sampling. Beck’s Depression Inventory-II was the instrument used to gather data and determine the degree of depression experienced by a subset of IT workers from a subset of IT organizations. Using the test-retest approach, the reliability of the Beck Depression Inventory-II was calculated, and the result was 0.92.

Analysis and Interpretation: The mean difference was found to be 5.0, with the mean pre-test score being 22.83 and the mean post-test score being 17.83. It demonstrates that there was a substantial difference between the mean pre-test and post-test scores. At the 0.05 level of significance, the tabulated “t” value is 1.685 and the computed “t” value is 19.949. There is a difference between the computed and tabulated “t” values. As a result, the research hypothesis was supported and the null hypothesis was rejected.

Conclusion: The results showed that music therapy is useful in lowering IT workers’ depression levels.



How to Cite

Sarvaiya, Aarshravi. “An Experimental Study to Assess Effectiveness of Music Therapy on Level of Depression Among IT Employees in Selected IT Companies of Ahmedabad City, Gujarat State”. International Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 10, no. 2, July 2024, pp. 19-23,



Research Article